面向开发人员的 ChatGPT 提示工程 lesson6 transforming
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ChatGPT 使用多种语言的资源进行训练。这使模型能够进行翻译。以下是如何使用此功能的一些示例。
prompt = f"""
翻译成Spanish: \
```Hi, I would like to order a blender```
response = get_completion(prompt)
# Hola, me gustaría ordenar una licuadora.
prompt = f"""
```Combien coûte le lampadaire?```
response = get_completion(prompt)
# This is French.
prompt = f"""
将以下文字翻译成法语、西班牙语和英语: \
```I want to order a basketball```
response = get_completion(prompt)
# 法语:Je veux commander un ballon de basket
# 西班牙语:Quiero pedir una pelota de baloncesto
# 英语:I wanna order a basketball
prompt = f"""
'Would you like to order a pillow?'
response = get_completion(prompt)
# ¿Le gustaría pedir una almohada? (Formal)
# ¿Te gustaría pedir una almohada? (Informal)
user_messages = [
"La performance du système est plus lente que d'habitude.", # System performance is slower than normal
"Mi monitor tiene píxeles que no se iluminan.", # My monitor has pixels that are not lighting
"Il mio mouse non funziona", # My mouse is not working
"Mój klawisz Ctrl jest zepsuty", # My keyboard has a broken control key
"我的屏幕在闪烁" # My screen is flashing
for issue in user_messages:
prompt = f"告诉我这是什么语言: ```{issue}```"
lang = get_completion(prompt)
print(f"Original message ({lang}): {issue}")
prompt = f"""
把下面文字翻译成英语和韩语: ```{issue}```
response = get_completion(prompt)
print(response, "\n")
# Original message (这是法语。): La performance du système est plus lente que d'habitude.
# 英语翻译:The system performance is slower than usual.
# 韩语翻译:시스템 성능이 평소보다 느립니다.
# Original message (这是西班牙语。): Mi monitor tiene píxeles que no se iluminan.
# 英语翻译:My monitor has pixels that don't light up.
# 韩语翻译:내 모니터에는 불이 켜지지 않는 픽셀이 있습니다.
# Original message (这是意大利语。): Il mio mouse non funziona
# 英语翻译:My mouse is not working.
# 韩语翻译:내 마우스가 작동하지 않습니다.
# Original message (这是波兰语。): Mój klawisz Ctrl jest zepsuty
# 英语翻译:My Ctrl key is broken.
# 韩语翻译:제 Ctrl 키가 고장 났어요.
# Original message (这是中文。): 我的屏幕在闪烁
# 英语:My screen is flickering.
# 韩语:내 화면이 깜빡입니다.
写作可以根据目标受众而有所不同。 ChatGPT 可以产生不同的音调。
prompt = f"""
'Dude, This is Joe, check out this spec on this standing lamp.'
response = get_completion(prompt)
# 尊敬的客户,我是Joe。请查看这个落地灯的规格。
ChatGPT 可以在格式之间进行转换。提示应描述输入和输出格式。
data_json = { "resturant employees" :[
{"name":"Shyam", "email":"shyamjaiswal@gmail.com"},
{"name":"Bob", "email":"bob32@gmail.com"},
{"name":"Jai", "email":"jai87@gmail.com"}
prompt = f"""
把下面的python字典从JSON翻译成HTML \
table with column headers and title: {data_json}
response = get_completion(prompt)
data_json = { "resturant employees" :[
{"name":"Shyam", "email":"shyamjaiswal@gmail.com"},
{"name":"Bob", "email":"bob32@gmail.com"},
{"name":"Jai", "email":"jai87@gmail.com"}
prompt = f"""
把下面的python字典从JSON翻译成HTML \
table with column headers and title: {data_json}
response = get_completion(prompt)
data_json = { "resturant employees" :[
{"name":"Shyam", "email":"shyamjaiswal@gmail.com"},
{"name":"Bob", "email":"bob32@gmail.com"},
{"name":"Jai", "email":"jai87@gmail.com"}
prompt = f"""
把下面的python字典从JSON翻译成HTML \
table with column headers and title: {data_json}
response = get_completion(prompt)
# <table>
# <caption>Resturant Employees</caption>
# <thead>
# <tr>
# <th>Name</th>
# <th>Email</th>
# </tr>
# </thead>
# <tbody>
# <tr>
# <td>Shyam</td>
# <td>shyamjaiswal@gmail.com</td>
# </tr>
# <tr>
# <td>Bob</td>
# <td>bob32@gmail.com</td>
# </tr>
# <tr>
# <td>Jai</td>
# <td>jai87@gmail.com</td>
# </tr>
# </tbody>
# </table>
要向 LLM 发出您希望它校对您的文本的信号,您可以指示模型“校对”或“校对并更正”。
text = [
"The girl with the black and white puppies have a ball.", # The girl has a ball.
"Yolanda has her notebook.", # ok
"Its going to be a long day. Does the car need it’s oil changed?", # Homonyms
"Their goes my freedom. There going to bring they’re suitcases.", # Homonyms
"Your going to need you’re notebook.", # Homonyms
"That medicine effects my ability to sleep. Have you heard of the butterfly affect?", # Homonyms
"This phrase is to cherck chatGPT for speling abilitty" # spelling
for t in text:
prompt = f"""校对和纠正以下文本并重写更正后的版本。如果你没有发现错误,就说 "没有发现错误"。不要使用文本周围的任何标点:
response = get_completion(prompt)
# The girl with the black and white puppies has a ball.
# 没有发现错误。
# It's going to be a long day. Does the car need its oil changed?
# 重写后的版本:
# 今天会是漫长的一天。汽车需要更换机油吗?
# There goes my freedom. They're going to bring their suitcases.
# You're going to need your notebook.
# "That medicine affects my ability to sleep. Have you heard of the butterfly effect?"
# This phrase is to check ChatGPT for spelling ability.